最近不懂怎么了, 做什么事都不起劲, 甚至差点忘了写blog :( 我怎么了?? 人生好像失去了方向。想要做的事,都没完成到, 工作又闲到吐血, 我真的觉得自己迷失了。。 倒是最近发旅行疯, 疯到其他的都忘了 @_@.
还好我也不是什么都没做到, 说要整理的照片,总是完成了, 当中当然很有满足感。 不过,过后发现,自己的修改技术还待加强呢! 加油吧! 把照片放上了网,以后Hard disk 不幸“死” 了, 我还有个副本。 那是很好的回忆,可以看到自己的成长 :)
我得把自己的心情整理好,好好的规划才行。 一定要在事业上多花心思与努力才行! 不然我想我老了后会后悔, 唉。。。 虽然这种彷徨的感觉时常有,可是近期好像严重了,感觉到事业的低潮,感觉到自己停止了原地,没法前进, 一点进步也没有。 快醒来吧。。。
清迈之旅即将展开, 好期待! 喜欢旅行,因为可以看到不同国家的文化、历史、生活。。获益不浅呢。。 不论事业也好,健康也好,生活也好, 旅程也好, 都要加油,好好地去体会,好好的去感受。。加油!!!
Broga Hill
This is the place that I had been long waited for.. And..I finally got myself there ! Surprisingly, I didn't feel very tired on the way up to the hill, but with the wrong shoes, I had to watch out every single step, a wrong step will bring me to hell o_O. We spent around half an hour to reach the first peak =D. The time is 7am, and yet, the peak was already full of people! We never put a hope to spot the sunrise, as from people's experience, never heard one can spot the sunrise :P
After rest for awhile, we started our main activity there -> of cause is photo shooting ! With beautiful scenery and of coz beautiful ladies :P Spent hour plus at the same peak to snap different poses and different angles, the heat from the sun become stronger and stronger..
Not to wait for too long, we headed to another hill. But half way, we were attracted by a "special" tree, which dragged us another half an hour there! And the heat is burning ! Hence, we decided to give up the 2nd hill, and headed down the hill :( The way downhill is tougher a lot more than the way up, as it was raining heavily the day before. Even though how careful I was, I still can't escape from a fall :S Luckily didn't hurt badly. Poor me :(
The "special" tree
I did it !
The Proposal
Headache with the New Manager :S
Talking about this new manager, make me feel uneasy. I guess he is first time be manager, and don't know how to socialize >.< He just joined HP last week. Malaysia Indian, looked young, but he told us he got 18 years experiences, in Hardware and development. A doubt for me, is this your first time be manager? Or maybe you too free, or maybe this is the real you ? *gasp*
Today was the 2nd times I been asked the same questions..."What are You doing now?" , "So now you got nothing to do already, what you doing?". Well, have you ever thought of what you were asking? You made people felt uneasy! Do I have to busy 8 hours with the Project? ! Why don't you go and ask your boss this question, I bet he can answer you well. >.<
Phew~ After grumbling grumbling and grumbling, I feel better now. Well, next time I think gotta think a way to deal with this funny manager. God bless me....
Today was the 2nd times I been asked the same questions..."What are You doing now?" , "So now you got nothing to do already, what you doing?". Well, have you ever thought of what you were asking? You made people felt uneasy! Do I have to busy 8 hours with the Project? ! Why don't you go and ask your boss this question, I bet he can answer you well. >.<
Phew~ After grumbling grumbling and grumbling, I feel better now. Well, next time I think gotta think a way to deal with this funny manager. God bless me....
2nd times I cooked porridge
Instead of scratching my head thinking what to eat, I decided to cook porridge again. This was my 2nd times cooking porridge:D First time was suprisingly a big success, the porridge is "incredibly" nice! This time also not bad also, but if the peanuts is softer, it will be even nicer :P
What I did in Mid Autumn Festival
This year's mid autumn festival is the most no-feel I ever had. No special mooncakes, don't hv my favorite mooncake, no special celebration. Luckily Guin was going back to hometown, I can have at least some special moment spent with family :)
Spending time with family always the best moment for me, chatted with grandma, aunty and uncles, played with the kids, eat mooncake together, pray the moon at night, and the funniest moment spent with best friends.
I had a feeling that the mid-autumn festival soon will be faded away.. mooncake become more variety(in other word, more commercialized), lesser people will pray for the festival already.. Yet, the kids still were having fun playing with Lantern and Candles, hopefully the festival will be last longer as it can ~pray~
Spending time with family always the best moment for me, chatted with grandma, aunty and uncles, played with the kids, eat mooncake together, pray the moon at night, and the funniest moment spent with best friends.
Agar-agar Mooncake from Small Aunty
Oversea Mooncake ~luckily still got traditional mooncake
Mooncakes and Pamelo..for the festival
MeiMei posed in front of the mooncakes :)
After the praying finished, I gathered with guin, jessie&hubby, baz and wilson. At first our venue was at Bread moment, too bad it was closed. So no choice, we have to go back to our most-frequent gathered place in KK, --> The Gate Cafe. Luckily didn't meet with any of the classmate(felt guilty din attend one of my classmate's wedding :P). We had a very happy moment, discussing jessie's wedding plan. While looking at their wedding album, we were thinking what is the schedule for the day, what will be the decoration at the hall, where to gather for the fun part ~ makeup together, become pretty together :D Felt so excited discussing all of these. Wish the day coming soon. :)Oversea Mooncake ~luckily still got traditional mooncake
Mooncakes and Pamelo..for the festival
MeiMei posed in front of the mooncakes :)
I had a feeling that the mid-autumn festival soon will be faded away.. mooncake become more variety(in other word, more commercialized), lesser people will pray for the festival already.. Yet, the kids still were having fun playing with Lantern and Candles, hopefully the festival will be last longer as it can ~pray~
Nice places to eat
It's been a month I never went to a decent place to have dinner. Last 2 weeks, KY was back from HK, so I took the chance to find a good place for dinner. The 2 most recommended restaurant that worth to visit, are Decanter and Kissaten.
It was 2nd times I dinner at Decanter, this time I went, the restaurant has been renovated. Not to mention, of course it looked nicer than before. The food there also not bad, got a lot choices, western food and local food.
Next, is the Kissaten which located at Jaya One. It's a Japanese restaurants, but they are selling western food as well, hmmm..maybe should call it JapWest fusion :P
To find Decanter,look for Jalan 17/54
It was 2nd times I dinner at Decanter, this time I went, the restaurant has been renovated. Not to mention, of course it looked nicer than before. The food there also not bad, got a lot choices, western food and local food.
The foods~
Next, is the Kissaten which located at Jaya One. It's a Japanese restaurants, but they are selling western food as well, hmmm..maybe should call it JapWest fusion :P
To find Decanter,look for Jalan 17/54
Facial..is it a must?
最近去做了facial. 实在拿我的黑头粉刺问题没办法,才决定去的。第一次感觉还不错。 Facial 过后,那里的小姐就介绍了他们的package 还有membership。我就傻傻的签了会员:S 还好没签package。 过后问了朋友,就觉得他们的价钱有点贵。 可是membership 也附送很多东西,送黑头导出素,还有treatment,就接受了吧。。反正都签了。
可是我最后还是决定了,不签他们的package了,有点贵(KL的价钱是那么贵的吧),手头又有点紧(其实我的脸也没什么大问题:P)。哈哈。还是回家乡洗好了。 我实在要检讨软耳朵的缺点了,太容易被人家说服了。这次又再学多一个教训吧!无论如何,尝试过了一次,这经验也不坏:)
可是我最后还是决定了,不签他们的package了,有点贵(KL的价钱是那么贵的吧),手头又有点紧(其实我的脸也没什么大问题:P)。哈哈。还是回家乡洗好了。 我实在要检讨软耳朵的缺点了,太容易被人家说服了。这次又再学多一个教训吧!无论如何,尝试过了一次,这经验也不坏:)
最近晚上大部分的时间都在看鲁豫有约。。好喜欢听名人的故事。我们看到现在当红的明星,觉得啊,他们好幸运,能够一炮而红, 这的那的。。可是,别人下了多少苦工,经历了多少辛酸事,有谁会知道啊!我总算有了总结,红的持久的人,当红并不是偶然,因为如果你不努力,多幸运也没用, 那关键就在“努力”。 我从这些名人们的故事,他们的背景,他们的坚持,他们的努力,学到太多了。 成功并不是偶然,只有不断的努力,才能脱颖而出:)
上星期跟了同事们去了林明,两天一夜周末游。起初啊,本来是去不成的了,担心到时不方便,又担心生病,现在回想,觉得自己实在是想太多,顾虑太多了,唉。。 还好最后还是跟去了,不然也不会有了这次美好的回忆。林明是彭亨的一个小镇,离关丹大概30至45分钟吧。这是一个很安静的小镇,还好有两个名胜地,不然我看也没有人懂这地方了。林明闻名的景点有彩虹瀑布、林明山。我们一队13人,三辆车,礼拜六凌晨两点半就启程前往林明。大概六点钟我们就到达了目的地。第一件做的事当然是吃早餐啦!要吃当然是吃最闻名的山水豆腐,还有鱼蛋炸料伴面。
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